Sunday, July 26, 2009

On the Good Ship Lollipop

For a couple of years Becca has been looking forward to dancing on the "big stage" at her dance studio's annual recital. This is the first year that she has gotten to dance in the recital and it was very exciting for her.

Grandma Judy arrived early to sit with Isak while I went backstage with Becca and helped her get into costume.

Here is Becca in costume with her teacher, Miss Julie, and the other girls in her class.

My niece, Angela, and her husband, Nick, also came to watch the recital. Angela and I both got flowers for Becca for her special day. Becca felt like a star!

The girls danced to On the Good Ship Lollipop and did an excellent job. Becca was delighted with whole experience and can't wait to do it again. I love that I can share my love of dancing with her.

Becca was also recognized for outstanding attendance for the year. I was very proud of her, but I have to say that I think attendace awards should be given to the parents!

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