Now, Cape Canaveral, Florida in June is rather sticky and hot...and mosquito infested! We couldn't sleep with the van windows up because it was simply too hot. We couldn't sleep with the van windows down because we were under constant attack by mosquitos. Combine these conditions with two children who have been sitting in car seats for the majority of the day, and sleep was clearly not an option.
So, what do you do in the wee hours of the morning when you are 18 hours from home and have nowhere to go? We went to WalMart! We used the bathrooms, we walked around, we played with toys and we even bought a couple of things. After we had outstayed our welcome at WalMart we took some donuts and milk to the beach and waited for the sun to rise.
And then, about 10 minutes before the sun was to be up, the kids decided that they had to go potty...immediately.
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