Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Funny Isak Conversation

I don't know, maybe you have to know Isak to find this funny, but I laughed...a lot. One thing that you have to know is that Isak proclaims, on pretty much a daily basis, that he does not love me.

Last night, at bedtime, Isak came into the living room and asked me, "Will you get me a sippy cup of water to take to bed with me?"

Thinking that I had found an opportunity to trick him into saying that he loves me, I said, "Maybe. Do you love me?"

He thought for a moment, "Ummmmmmmmm......yes."

But then, as I was internally congratulating myself for having extracted his confession of love for me, he said, "Well, not really."

"Oh" I said, "I may not get you a drink then."

And then he spoke the truth that I have so carefully tried to teach my children. "Yes you will, because YOU love me."

In my mind I thought, "Yes. You are right, little dude. Even if you won't tell me that you love me, I will always try to let you know in every way I can that I love you unconditionally - I'm so glad that you are confident in my love for you."

But, so as not to bore him with my long-winded response (remember the "blah blah blah" conversation?) I simply said, "That's true. I DO love you."

To which he replied, "Well, you freak ME out!"

"Well" I said, laughing, "you freak ME out!"

Then came his retort, which caused us both to laugh uncontrollably, "Well, you freak DAD out!"

Oh, so many truths spoken in one short conversation from the mouth of my 5 year-old.


Jill said...

I think Isak is outdoing Vince on the "quotables"! I'm totally cracking up right now!!!

Angela said...

That kid cracks me up! You need to write a book!!