Friday, November 19, 2010

Whiner Nightmares

At about 4:00 this morning Isak came into our bedroom cyring. He'd had a nightmare. Typically when he has a bad dream he will come tell us, and maybe cry a little bit, but is easily calmed and will go back to bed.

This nightmare was different. He was near hysterics - crying, shaking and absolutely refusing to go back to his bed. I let him climb into bed with us and tried to comfort him. He calmed down a bit and after several minutes said, "Mom, do you know what a whiner is?"


"What is it?"

"A person who whines a lot." And, being confused about the randomness of this conversation asked, "Why?"

"Because there was a whiner in my nightmare. It was coming after me!" And then he burst into tears again.

So there you go. Whiners are SCARY!

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