Sunday, November 23, 2008

Loads of Leaves

Earlier this week I recruited the kids to help me rake the leaves. Well, actually I told them that we were going out to "play" in the leaves, and they were eager to help me get the leaves into a pile so that they could jump in them. Once we got our huge pile made (we even raked our neighbors leaves so that we could have a super huge pile) we all enjoyed some time jumping and playing in the leaves. And then, alas, the leaves had to go into bags. Oh well...we have next fall to look forward to.


The Wyler Family said...

looks like fun! we raked and raked and raked but still didn't get all of our leaves up before it started snowing. oh well.

Beefche said...

You need to photoshop that last pic with Becca . That is cute!