Sunday, April 10, 2011

What is this? Frequent posting?

I've only been a publisher on this blog for about a month, and I think I've already surpassed Tricia's word count. :) As such, I think I need a more imposing presence. I say, enough with the girly backgrounds. I say, let's have come Colts themes, or hand tools... or even like an Indianapolis theme. Whatever... just, enough with the love... and the diamonds... and pink. ugh.

Anyways, as I was avoiding doing anything productive yesterday, I went through my patients and calculated their "points". I know that patients are people and I do NOT look at patients as points. However, we need points to graduate and so it is something that most students monitor. For those unfamiliar with dental school, students need 270 restorative points in order to graduate. These points are earned by filling cavities, placing dentures, basically anything a dentist does, except we don't get points for doing cleanings or extractions. I think everything else counts. I currently have about 65 points (which is about the class average. I added up everything I currently have planned on my patients and I came up with my having 260 points after I complete all of their work. These points include completing all of my requirements for complete dentures, partial dentures, crowns, fillings and bridges. It was very encouraging. I know that some of these patients will fail, and treatment will change as finances change and lifestyles change... but, I currently have planned almost enough points to graduate. WAHOO!!! Now, I just need to plan my 7 remaining root canals for Endo, and the remaining assists and oral surgeries... but I am encouraged. I think there is an end in sight.


Tricia said...

I can't help it if you are overly verbose. And as for the background, I change the background to go with a theme - such as the season. Hence the love in February/March, and flowers now. Didn't you at least appreciate the Hawaiian theme of December/January? Give me time, I'll find something that suits you. Maybe around Father's Day I'll put some tools or footballs on for a couple of days. :)

Angela said...

I love that your blog is being updated frequently. Jer- I need to make an appointment to come see you for my filling. Hope you guys are well!