Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24

Today was wild. I had breakfast at 4AM (the flight offered both a dinner and a breakfast, both of which were about as big as my hand). We landed in Rio De Janeiro at 5:20AM, worked our way through Immigration and Customs, walked over to where we could transfer our luggage and saw that our flight to Curitiba had been cancelled. We were mystified, but continued in the luggage transfer line. When we got up to the counter, we were told that the flight had not been cancelled. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 8:15AM and we re-checked out luggage in at 7:05AM. We rushed through security and got to the gate... only to find out that our flight had been delayed because of fog at Curitiba. So, we waited for 2 hours for the plane to leave. Luckily, we were in the airport waiting. We got to Curitiba and met the people we'd be staying with. I am staying with Felipe, who is awesome. We got money exchanged and bags loaded (oh - we had no issues with our 8 55-70lb bags) and went out to eat at a Brazilian steakhouse. Man did I get stuffed. That made up for the small meals we got on the plane. I got to sit and talk about Steven Covey because both he and I are Mormon and the husband of one of the people here has a boss that had rcently worked for S. Covey. It was glorious... -ish.

So, we went to our place of residence and I showered and took a short nap. We then went to my the apartment of my hosts aunt and watched some TV and made conversation. I also had some Coke from a 6oz glass. It was a far cry from my usual 44oz beverage. :( We went out to eat at an Italian Restaurant, which was served like a Brazilian Steakhouse. That was fun... and the food was good, too. I'l be going to sleep at about midnight. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight.

To my kids and wife, I love you and hope you had fun in Ohio. Also, one more day is complete. Wahoo. :)

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