Monday, March 24, 2008

I threw away a breadstick!

Okay, please don't judge me, but the fact is that every Monday I take my kids out for lunch. Yes, our budget is tight, but there a few things that I have built into our lives to help me maintain my sanity. One of those things is Monday lunch-out day.

So, today Becca and Isak wanted to go to the spaghetti house, better known to the rest of the world as Fazoli's. Every time they ask to go to the spaghetti house I groan. Some of you know that I have issues with going out for spaghetti. When I go out to eat, I like to enjoy things that I can't easily make at home. Pasta is such an easy thing to make at home, that going out for it just doens't seem like much of a treat. Additionally, I can't get out of the place without eating two meals worth of points (Weight Watchers) due to the incredibly yummy, buttery, salty breadsticks!

Fortunately today was a YMCA workout day for me, because on those days I earn 10 activity points. 10 points is enough to counteract 3 of those yoummy, buttery, salty artery cloggers! And, as we sat down to eat, I was quite happy with the idea of eating only two of them so that I could save some points for some gooey chocolate carmel candy left for us by the Easter bunny.

We each ate our one breadstick that was given to us with our meals, and I went to get more. I had decided to ask for three, one more for each of us. That was it. No more.

The nice lady at the Fazoli's told me that she would go get them for me. She soon returned with a wrapper filled with SIX of the most soft, butter drenched breadsticks I have ever been served at Fazoli's. Again, I groaned. There was no way I was going to eat only one more! I mean, it is very rare to be served such perfect breadsticks!

Well, to keep this story from getting too long, let me just say that I ate two more breadsticks, Becca ate two more breadsticks, and Isak ate one. Those of you who are really good at math and reading comprehension already realize that there was one breadstick left. Part of me just wanted to eat it. I wasn't hungry. In fact, I was very much not hungry. But I just didn't like the idea of throwing something so perfectly tastey away! I found myself wishing that there was some way that I could preserve its tastiness and mail it to my mom (There are no Fazoli's in Washington and my mom is a big fan!), but Fazoli's breadsticks are really only good for about 10 minutes after they are taken from the oven. Ulitmately I realized that I was either going to have to eat it or throw it away.

Well, from the title of this post you already know the outcome. What you don't know is that this is a HUGE milestone for me! And if I could do it once, I know I can do it again. Now, the question is, can I keep myself away from the gooey chocolate treats piled up on the kitchen counter? I'll let you know.


The Wyler Family said...


Jill said...

I am so proud of you!!! I don't think I could have done it....if fact...I'm craving one right now!

Nicole said...

Funny, I think I might have eaten it!! Especially if they are as good as you say. The Hoffman's were in our ward back in Salt Lake when we were going to the University of Utah. I'm glad you found us!!

Charlotte said...

Good job! Those bread sticks are hard to resist!

We found out today we are moving back to Indy. We'll have to get together! :)


Cynthia said...

That is awsome, I know it is a milestone to be able to throw away food. It is not something I have been doing enough of lately!

flmama said...

You rock, Trish!! I so would have eaten that breadstick. You just gave me the kick in the butt I needed to quit being such a lazy girl and get back on the program. It is so easy to slip back into old habits instead of starting new ones!!