Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You don't have to be doing what you love to love what you are doing.

Every once in a while I get a glimpse into the lives of people that I went to school with who are following their dreams as singers, actors, performers. It always leaves me with a lump in my throat as I realize that the only singing I do on a daily basis is in the car (where I am promptly told by my kids to stop singing because they want to sing), and when I tuck the kids in bed (where they do allow me to sing, but only to delay going to sleep).

My recent acting experience is limited to making up silly voices for The Cat in the Hat, Goldilocks and various other children’s book characters. The things that were once so much a part of my life have been replaced with much less interesting things like washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning toilets, picking up toys and changing diapers.

I sometimes long for the feeling of fulfillment that came from doing the things that I love to do every day. At those times I ask myself if being a mom is worth the sacrifices that I make. The answer comes when…

  • Becca gets up in the morning looking beautiful with her tousled hair and sleepy eyes
  • I hear the pitter patter of Isak’s little feet as he runs through the house
  • Becca rides her princess bike around the neighborhood (complete with princess elbow pads, knee pads and helmet)
  • Isak asks me what time it is (even though he really has no idea what “10:30” means)
  • I watch Becca dancing in her ballet class
  • Isak sings
  • Becca sings
  • Isak laughs
  • Becca laughs
  • Isak prays
  • Becca prays
  • Becca “reads” books to Isak
  • Becca wants me to hold her because she is frightened by the scary character in a movie
  • Isak wants me to hold him just because
  • we walk through the grocery store saying “I want the tiger book. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha (like Dracula) because the kids think it’s funny…

All of these moments remind me that the satisfaction of doing the things that I personally love to do is far overpowered by the fulfillment of using my skills and talents to shape the lives of the two little people who rely primarily on me to show them the way in this world.

So, while washing dishes may not be on my list of things that I love to do, it’s okay because I do love being a mom who washes dishes.

(I posted this on a family blog last fall. I have been thinking about it a lot lately and decided to share it once again. Sometimes I just need these little reminders of how blessed I am to be a mom. It's not easy, but it's worth it.)


Beefche said...

You know, there's crap to deal with no matter what job you have. Yours just happens to be least until the potty training. :D

Mindy said...

Tricia, I linked to your blog through Cynthia. I just couldn't help but comment because this was such a beautiful post! I'm sure that most of us whose job is primarily at home taking care of kids feel this way at times--I know that I certainly do. I have to remind myself about life's seasons, and that raising my young children is where I am supposed to be right now. So, thanks for the uplift! I'm off to tackle my huge laundry pile!
By the way, your kids are precious and I really hope that all is going well for you and Jeremy.

The Wyler Family said...

very uplifting and so fun to read! you are a great mom! i've learned a lot from you.